Catherine L. Gauldin, Architectural Illustration and Fine Art


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Pastel and Colored Pencil on paper
16 x 20
Egypt is a fascinating country to visit but there is very little except the air that is free of charge.  It is a culture that had its beginnings at the very dawn of human history and much of life in modern times is not much different from what life was life in ancient Egypt.  I had the opportunity to visit Karnak Temple both during the day and also in the early evening and during the day the complex is populated by Egyptian entrepeneurs dressed in galabeyas who will pose for pictures, but always for 'baksheesh', or in other words, a tip for doing absolutely nothing.  I happened to see a group of men sitting under the shade of one of the enormous temple columns.  Their forms almost merged into the cool shadows. 

CATHERINE L. GAULDIN Illustration and Fine Art
2002 S. Mason Rd. #512
Katy, TX  77450